Save Some Energy. Save the Earth.

  If you watch the news or spend any time scrolling though social media, chances are, you’ve seen and heard a great deal from Greta Thunberg lately. The 16-year-old climate and environmental activist has much to say about global energy use, and she’s not the only...

Did You Know? Plug Points and More

Did you know that as a homeowner you are not legally allowed to change any electrical in your home other than a light bulb or a light fixture? It might seem hard to believe but it’s true! The next time you get sick of your bedroom ceiling fan (you know – the one from...

Summer Security

As Canadians, we are blessed to live in a country where we enjoy not only incredible and varied beauty with our lakes, oceans, rivers, mountains and more, but also safe and kind cities and communities. Here in Kamloops, that is certainly no exception. We live in a...

R.V. Electrical

Planning on upgrading your camping accomodations this year? If you’re purchasing an RV for the first time, or upgrading your current one, making sure you’re home has the electrical capacity you need might not have been the first thing you thought of. If...
Is Your Home Safe?

Is Your Home Safe?

When it comes to our homes, most of us don’t think twice about ensuring that our smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers are working and up to date.  We keep our lint trays clean, empty filters and generally do our best to keep our homes safe....

Tapping Solar

Did you know that we are certified and skilled in the installation of grid-tie and off-grid solar power systems? This incredible home we had the privilege of working on is a technological marvel. Utilizing full solar coverage, the home, during sunny months, generates...