Save Some Energy. Save the Earth.
If you watch the news or spend any time scrolling though social media, chances are, you’ve seen and heard a great deal from Greta Thunberg lately. The 16-year-old climate and environmental activist has much to say about global energy use, and she’s not the only one.
But for many of us, making any sort of significant changes to our daily life can seem overwhelming. Yet imagine if each of us simply made small changes – like using more energy efficient appliances and lighting in our homes – the impact could be enormous.
For example, did you know that simply replacing your home’s five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs with models that have earned the ENERGY STAR, can save you $75 each year? Not to mention this simple change ensures that you are using up to 80% less energy than traditional lighting. If we all did that, think of the impact on our nation’s total energy consumption and use that would be!
If you’d like to be more environmentally conscious but aren’t sure where to start, give us a call. We can provide a thorough walkthrough of your home to find ways that you can reduce your energy consumption – saving you money, and reducing your carbon footprint, one small change at a time.
Did You Know? Plug Points and More
Did you know that as a homeowner you are not legally allowed to change any electrical in your home other than a light bulb or a light fixture?
It might seem hard to believe but it’s true!
The next time you get sick of your bedroom ceiling fan (you know – the one from the 90’s) and want to upgrade it to something trendy and farmhouse-y, go right ahead! Pick out your favorite one, add it to your weekend checklist and then show off that before and after shot on Instagram.
But then next time you’re sitting in a dark corner wishing you had more light to read and decide you need to add a plug point for a new light fixture, or decide you need more convenient charging stations for your electronics, you’ll have to leave those ones to the professionals; or at least ensure that you call a pro to come in and hook up the wiring and certify the job. If you don’t, you could be at risk of voiding your insurance if any damage were to be caused to your home due to uncertified work (think – electrical fires etc.). Not to mention those jobs, while they might seem simple, can often be more complicated than that YouTube video you just watched might lead you to believe.
So the next time you need a new plug point, want to upgrade your lighting, install surround sound, change out that old copper wiring (which is now illegal by the way) or make any other electrical changes in your home, give us a call. With free estimates and certified, professional service, we can take those things off the “honey do list” and give you more time to do the things you really love. Not to mention, you’ll be keeping your family safer in the process.
Summer Security
As Canadians, we are blessed to live in a country where we enjoy not only incredible and varied beauty with our lakes, oceans, rivers, mountains and more, but also safe and kind cities and communities. Here in Kamloops, that is certainly no exception. We live in a wonderfully friendly and community-minded city where neighbours know each other and people say “hi” to one another on the street.
But even here in Kamloops there are exceptions and it’s important that we do what we can to keep our homes and families safe. Now during the summer it’s especially important to think about as we spend evenings, weekends and weeks away from our homes – camping, travelling, and visiting friends, enjoying drinks on patios and campfires at the lake.
If your home is not set up with a security system of any kind, now is the time to think about it.
We are proud to offer Liberty home security solutions to you and your family. Liberty utilizes the latest technology to provide Security, Automation, and Energy Management solutions customized to fit your lifestyle.
From your smart phone, tablet or computer, you can arm or disarm the system, lock and unlock deadbolts, even close and open the overhead garage door. But that’s not all! You can also control your thermostat and turn on and off appliances and lights – no more having to double back home to check that you’ve turned off that light or closed that garage door for the week. Or, you can just program it all to happen on a schedule that fits your lifestyle.
Whatever your security needs, Liberty can meet them and we can make it happen. Click here for more information or give us a call today: 778-471-6255. Make sure that you protect your family and all that you have worked hard for, even while you are away on holiday.
R.V. Electrical
Planning on upgrading your camping accomodations this year? If you’re purchasing an RV for the first time, or upgrading your current one, making sure you’re home has the electrical capacity you need might not have been the first thing you thought of. If you’re not sure whether you need to upgrade, or know that you do, give us a call. We can help ensure that this year, you camp in style and comfort. 778-471-6255.

Is Your Home Safe?
When it comes to our homes, most of us don’t think twice about ensuring that our smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers are working and up to date. We keep our lint trays clean, empty filters and generally do our best to keep our homes safe. But what about our electrical?
We often come across wiring in a home or building that has not been completed by a certified professional, and in many, if not most of these cases, we find things such as: loose connections, which causes arcing – an extremely dangerous hazard in your home; undersized or incorrect types of wiring being used for their intended application; old aluminum wiring which is no longer to code; and over-loaded and abused wall panels that are on the verge of blowing. In situations such as old aluminum wiring and wiring that has not been installed by an insured professional, in the event of a disaster, your insurance will not cover you. These are not only serious safety hazards in your home, but could be financially devastating.
The good news is, is that it only takes a few hours of work to see if your home is in safe working order electrically, or if it would needs some upgrades in order to make it safe. So in the same way you make sure your home is fire safe, we encourage you to take the time to make sure that it is electrically safe. Give us a call today to learn more and schedule your safety check today: 778-471-6625.
Tapping Solar
Did you know that we are certified and skilled in the installation of grid-tie and off-grid solar power systems? This incredible home we had the privilege of working on is a technological marvel. Utilizing full solar coverage, the home, during sunny months, generates far more energy than it consumes. Combined with an array of batteries, this home was designed for energy independence. You can see more pictures of the project here:
Ready for a vacation?
We can help you get there sooner by saving you money on your monthly energy bills. How you might wonder? Converting your bulbs in the house to LED, offsetting your hydro bill with some grid tie solar and making sure your appliances have a good energy star rating are just a few options. Give us a call to learn more. Let us help you get away from it all, sooner.
Introducing: Gemstone Lighting!
Rooham Electric is proud to announce that we are now the sole vendor for Gemstone Lights in Kamloops!
Gemtone offers year-round SMART OUTDOOR LIGHTING in any color, for any season or any reason. They are the perfect LED lighting solution for use all year round. With the Gemstone Lights proprietary controller and app, you are in complete creative control! Select from thousands of colour combinations, choose patterns or individually control each light. There is no limit to what you can do.
We are extremely excited to bring this fantastic product to Kamloops and the surrounding areas. We invite you to contact us to find out how you can personalize your home with these truly amazing lights and to visit the Gemstone website for more information:
New Year. New #HomeGoals
January seems so long ago already doesn’t it? But for just a minute, think back though to the start of the new year. Did you set any goals or resolutions for 2019? There’s a good chance, if you’re like most North Americans, you probably did and they likely fell into the: fitness/heath, financial, business and person categories. But what about home goals? We believe that setting goals that will help you achieve a home you are both comfortable in and proud of, are some of the most important goals you can make. Why? Because your home is where you start and finish each day (most of the time anyway). It’s where you feel most comfortable to be yourself, where you raise or spend time with your family, spend time with friends, and live much of your life. So it only makes sense that it should be a place you love being in; which sometimes takes some changes and improvements.
Lighting is one of the easiest and most effective ways to change and improve a space. We’ve said this before, but we will say it again: imagine being at a hockey game with only pot lights to see the action by; or imagine trying to have a romantic dinner under the hum and shine of florescent lights. Lighting can make or break a mood and experience. And the experience of your home should be comfortable. We can help you light up those dark corners where there have never been lights before, add wall outlets so that you can use beautiful table lamps instead of your overhead lights all the time and more. We can also help you with minor electrical upgrades for more than just lights. Whatever electrical home improvements you may have on your goal list for 2019, we can help.
Give us a call for a free consultation and let us help you achieve your home goals this year.
Bringing the Theatre Home
When was the last time you went to the movie theater? …That’s what we thought. Most of the time, most of us would rather skip the lines and expensive popcorn and watch a flick at home. But still, there is something about that movie theater experience isn’t there? The big screen, encompassing sound, those comfy seats. O.k. well, maybe not the seats.
Did you know that we can help you bring that movie theatre experience home? Whether you are building or renovating a space to create your own theatre room, simply looking to add surround sound to your current space, or even just get your t.v. up on the wall for a better viewing experience, we can help with that.
And please let us help – no one wants this to happen to them.