When it comes to electrical safety using electrical devices, appliances and power tools, most points are pretty common sense. That being said, it can be easy to become complacent about things we don’t generally think about, and a quick refresh on some easy safety steps can ensure that you keep yourself, your family and your home safe.
- Burnt toast? Bagel not wanting to come out? Ensure to unplug your toaster before prying out your breakfast.
- Unplug your electrical devices and gadgets (think phone chargers, slow cookers, kettles, power tools) when they are not in use. TIP: Before leaving your home on vacation, even if just for the weekend, do a quick walk through of your home and ensure there is nothing plugged in or turned on that does not need to be.
- This ones pretty self-explanatory: keep your electrical devices away from sources of water. Move the kettle or the toaster farther away from the sink, and don’t take your phone or tablet with you into the washroom.
- Do not cut the grass when it’s raining or extremely wet (we know you know this, but it’s good to be reminded from time to time).
- Ensure that all of the appliances and tools that you have in your home or business have been certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)seal or another accredited Standards Council of Canada
Adapted from BC Hydro’s Electrical Safety Tips: https://www.bchydro.com/safety-outages/electrical-safety/safety-at-home/electrical-safety-tips.html
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