If you have recently experienced a power outage in your home and power to a particular area of your home, plug, or device is no longer working, we are here to help. One of the ways we can assist is by providing you with this a couple of quick things you can check and try before calling, that may solve your electric issue. Two common areas of electric issues in the home are breakers and power plugs.

With breakers, when they are tripped, they often only partially trip. If you had to reset a breaker and your power has not been restored, ensure that you have turned the tripped switch all the way off before turning it on again. Breaker switches must be completely turned off prior to resetting or they generally do not work. If this does not fix your power issue, try to write down when and why the breaker tripped (if you can recall or know) to have that information on hand for when you call and the electrician visits your home. We can certainly still fix the issue without this information, but the more we know, the quicker and easier the fix usually is.

Most of has have experienced a power plug no longer working. Not all plugs are set up with test and reset buttons however, if the one with the issue is, try hitting the test button followed by the reset button; this often will reset the power and you’ll be good to go. Most bathroom and outdoor plugs are set up this way. If you have several outdoor electrical outlets that are not working, you may have to try testing and resetting all of them individually in order to get them all working again.

Of course, if these quick checks do not resolve your electrical issue, please give us a call right away and we will ensure to have one of our certified and professional team members visit you as soon as possible.